2008 Height (cm)
30 Length (cm)
21,5 Depth (cm)
1,5 Weight (g)
700 Materials and Techniques
collage, marker on paper. Subject/Description
Notes from 7 days spent in Davos for the World Economic Forum. Texts, drawings and collages about his electric motorcycle. 3/4 of the Moleskine are used. Archival Fund
A week in your life_Milan_2009 Archive number
VII_FF_103 Exhibitions
A week in your life, La Feltrinelli, Piazza Piemonte, Milan, April 2009. Bibliography
Julie Lasky, "The line in Winter" , I.D. Mag, May 2009, pp. 26-29; Raffaella Guidobono (a cura di), The Detour Book, The Moleskine notebook experience, Moleskine, 2012. Personal data
Lausanne, 1967. Designer.
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